Did you know that 95% of our subconscious is usually working against our dreams, hopes, and desires?
Let me explain…
Or rather, let me paraphrase what Lacy Phillips, a global manifestation expert, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, an award-winning epigenetics biologist, discussed in her EXPANDED podcast episode- Shifting our Reality:
Think of the human brain as a computer. During the last trimester of the pregnancy, until we are seven years old, our brain is in download mode. It records and stores all the rules and cultural norms from our parents, teachers, and surroundings. All that footage then becomes our subconscious programming. Still with me? Sweet. To measure somebody’s level of consciousness, we would attach wires to their head (electroencephalogram) and it would read the brain’s electrical activity. However, the predominant activity of the brain of an infant is not in the vibration level of consciousness. Here’s a graph to better explain:
The function of the brain is developed by its frequencies and frequencies are developed over time. When a child is born, it doesn’t have the entire range. An infant starts with delta, the sleeping stage. Until the age of 7, the child will fall into theta, where the lines of reality and imagination are blurred. At the age of 7, the child has now entered the alpha stage and has a complete set of programs on how to be an “acceptable” human being. This is the first level of consciousness because now the child gets to test drive all the programming it has received. Around the age of 12, it kicks into a higher level of consciousness, beta, but the programming developed from 0-7, is the one running the show.
But why is this important?
Well, when someone asks you “What do you want out of your life? What’s your vision?” It requires a creative answer. However, I didn’t get access to my creative brain until after the programming of my surroundings was instilled. Therefore, my life becomes a manifestation of my programming and NOT what I dream, wish, and desire.
For a more in-depth breakdown on how our programming is created, check out the EXPANDED podcast with Lacy Phillips Ep. 119- Bruce Lipton on Shifting Our Reality the (26min-36min mark)
Pissed? Don’t waste your time. The programming you downloaded from your parents was exactly what you needed to survive, receive love, and gain societal acceptance. It’s how we were taught to be a human being. However, after a certain level of awareness, you begin to realize that some things aren’t matching up. You don’t agree with your parent’s political views, and those racists, homophobic, or body-shaming jokes aren’t funny anymore. Reprogramming isn’t easy, but it’s fundamental if we wish to truly live out the life of our dreams. I say this from personal experience, as I am on my own journey. I am reprogramming my subconscious into only acting and reacting, in my purest and highest reality.
I’m thankful for the programming, as it got me to where I am today. But now, It’s time for change.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Stay safe and I love you.