Sex, Simple yet Complex

Let’s talk about sex, but first, we have to start at the very beginning. What began as a study about why the female orgasm became irrelevant to conception, became a deep dive into the dramatic ways sex changed in the western culture.

Secrets are Better with Strangers

We all have a secret spot. Somewhere we find joy every time it crosses our thoughts. Mine? The Gorge.  A place the gods and mother earth gifted us just about an hour out of Atlanta, GA.

Super Human

The concept that we are energetic beings has always fascinated me. Several studies have been published around miraculous healings of cancer or heart disease, and although nobody can explain how it happened, those who were gifted another chance prove that both science and spirituality can, and should, coexist.

A Healthy Brain, Is a Happy Brain

Have you ever thought about your brain health? According to Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, the most minor brain injuries, can have severe negative impacts on a person’s future. So if you are athletic, clumsy, or have ever been smacked… you might want to keep reading. A healthy brain is a …

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