Water: highly underestimated, and ultimately… underappreciated (That’s right, I said what I said). 

Ever wonder why so many religious ceremonies include water as part of their ritual? For centuries, water symbolized purification, protection, and healing. In ancient Jewish culture, a ‘Mikveh’ bath is used on special occasions, acting as a spiritual cleansing. For Muslims, the ‘wudu’—or, ablution with water—is an obligatory preparation for daily prayer. Eastern Orthodox Christians drink small amounts of blessed water in the morning, and Wiccans use water to cleanse their crystals. Due to it’s free flowing form, water has been included in religions all around the world. 

Humans are made up of 60% water; every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water in order to work properly.Your body can go a few days without food and still survive (some even go weeks)—however, even a few hours without water can have detrimental effects on the body. If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll eventually run into some pretty serious health issues as you get older. No water, no life.

Now I know most of you already knew about this, but I’d like to share a diagram that illustrates exactly how essential water is for our daily functions:

But what are some practical things we can do with it for those of us who don’t practice a specific religion?

 Well, here’s what I found:

Whisper sweet blessings into your cup of tea

  • Whisper positive words to your water before you drink it. Visualize the qualities you would like to strengthen as you drink your water. The power of thought is much more powerful than we give it credit for. It has the ability to change our reality, so why not quench our thirst with infinite blessings?

Wash away the troubles of your day

  • Whether you are in the shower, stuck in the rain or washing your hands, imagine all of your stress and worries being washed away. Some of us absorb other energies very easily, therefore causing us to walk around carrying toxic energy that isn’t ours. As you strip yourself of unwanted energies, you will feel lighter; this will help you to continuously keep clearing your vibrations. (Sweating it out is also an option, as our skin is the largest organ of detoxification.)

Cleansing Yoga Sequence

  • An ocean salutation should be done beside a body of water.  This mini yoga sequence—a beginner level practice—is typically done to open the lower back and to build flexibility; however, the focus should be on nourishing the entire body while keeping the water element in mind. The flow of water encourages calmness, gives you better control of emotions, as well as improved energy levels, and reduced levels of stress.

(Click Here for Yoga Sequence) 

Remember, water is a universal tool, and without it, life cannot exist. I, for one, am the happiest when I’m near a body of water—a place I can escape to. I’ve always found comfort near the ocean and, as I get older, that pull just keeps getting stronger. 

Reserve a few minutes out of the day for yourself, and dedicate it to trying one (or more) of these out. What have you got to lose?

Peace out Girl Scouts….Love you!



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3 replies on “Let’s get WET!”

  1. This was such a refreshing read! Pun intended. Sometimes we forget the simply things that keep us alive. Now I’m going to try that shower out.

  2. Taynah, this is very inspiring! I will certainly try some of your suggestions. I love your posts. Keep up the good work!

  3. You are a beautiful writer. I love water, it has the power to heal all life. This was a wonderful articulation. Thank you for this <3

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